Meet AspireMN
Board of Directors
Todd Archbold, PrairieCare
Scott Bakeberg, Village Ranch Inc.
Shannon Brown, Fernbrook Family Center
Julie Hanenburg, Lighthouse Child and Family Services
Lainie Janke, Therapeutic Services Agency
Aretta-Rie Johnson, D.I.V.I.N.E. Institute
Heather Kelm, Port Group Homes
Keith Kozerski, Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Mary Lennick, Family Alternatives
Paula Minske, Nexus Family Healing
Jody Nelson, Change Inc.
Larry Pajari, Northwood Children’s Services
Jessica Rogers, Connections to Independence
Connie Ross, North Homes Children and Family Services
Heidi Seaton, North Homes Children and Family Services
AspireMN Staff and Executive Leadership
Kirsten Anderson,
Executive Director
Kirsten began serving as Executive Director of AspireMN in December 2017 after two years as the association's Assistant Director.
Past leadership experiences include Sr. Director for Lutheran Social Service of MN (LSS) Metro Homeless Youth Services, where she supported a continuum of services for youth and young families and directed the LSS Advocacy Office, with a strong focus on community-based services. Kirsten began her career in the Lutheran World Relief Office of Public Policy in Washington, DC.
Her experience includes deep engagement with various service providers, people served, and community members.
Eden Fitzgerald,
Assistant Director
Eden Fitzgerald joined AspireMN in 2022 after leading a successful small business for over 10 years. She previously worked in the Public Policy Office of the Lutheran Social Service of MN. She is a graduate of Hamline University and Minneapolis Community and Technical College.
Originally from Texas, Eden has lived in Minnesota for over 30 years and is thankful for the life she built here with her husband, daughter, and an amazing circle of friends and family.
In her downtime, Eden enjoys traveling, cooking, being outside, and conversing with others.